The one and only Katie Hopkins

This woman angers me so much, talk about ridiculous. I found an article that listed some of her stupid, mindless comments over the years.

She did an interview on This Morning, where she said that you can tell so much from a child’s name. “it’s a short cut, its an efficient way of working out what class that child comes from, and if i want my children to play with them”, Firstly, oh dear, you small minded, pathetic, woman! It’s a child! children are given names, they don’t choose them. She basically doesn’t want her children mixing with working class children! I just hope your children grow up to be better people then you! So she doesnt like footballers names, geographical names, seasonal names or celebirty names – may i point out that her 2 daughters are called India and Poppy. OFCOURSE INDIA ISN’T A GEOGRAPHICAL NAME – OR IS IT DIFFERENT BECAUSE YOUR A MIDDLE CLASS SNOB! She says “Hi, this is my daughter Charmaine’. I hear: ‘Hi, I am thick and ignorant’.” It is just a name, get to know them? Just because you have preconceived idea about the mother or father by the choice of name for their child does not mean that child is bad, pr is just because you allergic to the working class! How can you judge a child in anyway? They are children? especially something that isn’t even in their control like their name????? Surely children should be allowed to play together whatever their differences are, that’s how we learn that everyone is different, it doesn’t matter that we look different or sound different or whatever the difference is, but that we can all get along. Isn’t that part of childhood, making friends with other children does it matter what their name is? She also then proceeds to talk about names that may mean beautiful and says “well you end up with an ugly kid called Bella” how can a baby be ugly? its ridiculous? She makes me speechless (which is a rarity).

Another thing on the list was that she said that “Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love” – As a “ginger” SCREW YOU! How ridiculous! So shes saying that if her child was ginger that she would love her child less because of the color of its hair! stupid woman!

Another ridiculous statement was on Justin Bieber’s fanbase: “I think Beliebers are sad lonely girls called Rebecca, that haven’t got many friends, that probably have issues with their weight, height and skin.” – THEY ARE CHILDREN! Yes their choice in music is disgusting –  BUT THEY ARE CHILDREN! And i might add what the hell is wrong with the name Rebecca!

She also said she doesn’t like fat people and wouldn’t like to meet a ginger in the dark. Well as a working class, ginger called Rebecca who detests your very exsistence – NO YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO MEET THIS GINGER IN THE DARK!

Lastly lets not forget how you became to be in the public eye shall we, The Apprentice and Oh that small video of you shagging a married man in a field? Keeping it ever so middle class, suppose in an alley way or behind some bins would have been disgusting and very working class, but seeing as it’s in a field its oh, so much more acceptable! Before you judge people take a look at your past behavior and stop being such a massive bitch!